Terroage Fukushima テロワージュふくしま

    フレンチ割烹ドミニク・コルビ ドミニク・コルビ シェフ メッセージ  食もお酒も豊かな福島には、きっと究極のマリアージュがある

    I visited Fukushima for the very first time on October 2010. Many chefs participated and found Fukushima ingredients at a food event where they learned their splendid qualities.
    Since then, we have been able to interact with people and producers in Fukushima and in February of the following year we held a fair using Fukushima ingredients in Marunouchi, Tokyo.
    After the earthquake disaster,I thought I had to support my favorite food in Fukushima so I went to work once a week doing such as cooking a big pallet Fukushima in Koriyama city which was an evacuation site and it still continues today.

    Fukushima has lots of truly wonderful places,such as personality, natural richness and beautiful scenery.Of course,food is one of its attractions. Vegetables, rice, meat and fruits are very delicious.
    There are also many high quality sakes. The number of young brewers are growing and everyone is doing their best. Recently there is wine and whiskey.
    As it is more difficult to find something that does not exist, so I think it is a prefecture with a rich food culture.producers also seem to have lost trust in Fukushima’s food for several years after the earthquake disaster.
    But seems like producers are now confident about the ingredients grown in Fukushima for several years after the earthquake disaster, but now they are quite different so everyone is looking forward and I feel Fukushima is heading in the right direction.

    The marriage of food and sake is born only in this region. For example, Conte cheese made in the Jura region as well as the French wine of the Jura region, “Van Jones”, is the ultimate marriage for me. If you have a lot of Fukushima ingredients and sake, you will find many of these marriages .So I hope it will be featured in “Terroage Fukushima”.
    I’m a French chef, but I’m not going to force my wine to be French just because it’s got a French label. There are plenty of sake that goes well with French, including Fukushima sake.

    I would like to continue to support Fukushima while using a lot of Fukushima ingredients and Fukushima sake and coming up with various ideas on how to enjoy the food.

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